ZK Pesa And Instacash Loan Apps Will Call Your Spouse To Tell Them You Are Cheating On Them

by Business Watch Team
Mali Money Market Fund

There are over 700 mobile loan apps in Kenya, and over 40 percent of them are not regulated. Even with regulation, the impunity that reigns among them during loan collection stinks to the high heavens. They are brutal, uncouth, and unprofessional.

Imagine a mobile loan app that charges you an arm and a leg and starts harassing you and everyone in your contact list two days before the maturity of your loan. Imagine them calling everyone and insulting them, calling them hoes and calling you a thief. Imagine them calling your employer and clients.

ZK Pesa is the most brutal of all loan apps in Kenya. It has the most brutal and uncouth young people working for them as loan collectors. They have mastered the art of calling, harassing, and insulting customers with unprintable words, all in the name of wanting their cash back.

ZK Pesa will call your spouse and tell them that you are cheating on them. They will contact them on WhatsApp using a WhatsApp number that has a profile picture of either a man or woman claiming to be either the boyfriend or girlfriend of your spouse.

They will call your spouse a hoe or Malaya. Why call and insult someone who did not take a loan? How can you call someone in Malaya and expect them to pay back your loan? The moment you start insulting people, forget about the payment. You can make as many calls as you want.

A time has come for this madness to be regulated. The Central Bank of Kenya has for years, left vulnerable Kenyans under the mercy of these horrible mobile loan apps that are owned by the Chinese. Many people are running into depression, and others killing themselves because of these stupid people.

Related Content: How To Block Calls From “Private Numbers” On Android From Annoying Loan Apps

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