You Can Now Consult A Specialist From The Comfort Of Your Room – Jubilee Health

by Business Watch Team
Jubilee Health

Technology has revolutionized the world and no company within the health insurance sector has embraced this better than Jubilee Health Insurance. For years, the insurance sector in Kenya has been viewed as robotic, and boring, only taking money from people and giving out little. Not anymore.

Through their Always With You campaign, Jubilee Health Insurance has launched a series of health services that take products and services to people wherever they are, at work or in their living rooms. The services make the customer the center of everything.

One of the most unique services set in motion by Jubilee Health Insurance is the telemedicine service. This service lets you consult a specialist at an affordable cost. We all know how much it costs to see a doctor in Kenyan hospitals. Jubilee Health Insurance cuts down this cost.

“This feature lets you consult with a doctor online from the comfort of your home. Our partners, Antara, Livia Health, Sasadoctor, and Byon 8, provide a seamless telemedicine experience. We are here to make health not just fun but a journey that every Kenyan would love to travel with us,” said Jubilee Health in a statement.

Here is how this service works:

  • First, download the Livia Health, Sasadoctor, or Byon 8 app from the Apple Store or Play Store.
  • Second, register the main member and dependents using your Jubilee member’s card.
  • Third, wait for validation.
  • Once set up, consult with a GP or specialist at any time that suits you.

Jubilee Health

Here are some of the advantages of this service:

Saves time and money. It saves money on gas, parking, and public transit. Better still, you need not waste time commuting or running into a traffic jam that makes you late for meetings, or worse, getting back to work late.

No need to miss work. Online doctor visits significantly reduce the need to take time off. During a break, or before or after work, a patient can simply plan their visit. Without missing a day of work, patients can do follow-up visits, get e-prescriptions, and even order medications from the same telemedicine platform.

Eliminates all the barriers. Telemedicine eliminates all barriers to quality healthcare services. Whether it’s fighting bad weather, finding daycare for children, or taking a day off from work, telemedicine takes care of all the troubles.

Your history is stored electronically and hence easily accessed by a doctor or a specialist. This helps during follow-ups and monitoring of the progress. This also allows more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans.

Get more on these services through this link

Related Content: Jubilee Health Launches ‘Always With You’, Takes Healthcare To Kenyans At Home

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