What Is The Whole Point Of Getting Married?

by Business Watch Team
Getting Married

What is the whole point of getting married by the way? To get kids? To be miserable? To fight each other daily? To be counted among the “married”? Because culture dictates so? What is the whole point?

There are things about marriage that if someone told me earlier, I wouldn’t have gotten married. You get married and you realize so late that there are so many things that don’t make sense. And instead of being happy, you stay in a constant life of the fear of the unknown.

Marriage is supposed to be happiness. Right? Not that there are no challenges. There are challenges. Sometimes you fight. Sometimes you laugh. But what happens when it is all fights every day and the day you are happy is just because you are pretending that things are okay to avoid fights?

You get married and you realize that it is a whole new world that will change your life and a new set of rules on how you should live. You have to explain where you are, where you are going, and what you are doing, even when what you are doing is for the benefit of your family and your spouse.

Why do you have to explain leaving your house as an adult when even as a kid, you never explained to your mother where you are going? It is called marriage. It doesn’t make sense but it is the law of marriage. We found the laws here and we have to follow them. I have no idea who made those laws.

As a man, you are not perfect. But you wake up. Your head is full. You are stressed. You have loans to pay, bills to pay; rent, school fees, hospital bills, demanding clients to satisfy, and all you need is someone you can talk to. Someone who can understand. The closest person is your spouse, but you realize, they don’t give a damn. And you give up on life and you learn to adapt to live a life that doesn’t offend your partner.

What is the whole point by the way?

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