Pay Your Employees On Time, And They Will Work

by Business Watch Team

Your employees are not loyal to your business because you are a good boss or because you have a good business. They are loyal to you because they want to earn a living.

Do you think people will wake up every morning to come to your office just because they love you? No. They come because they want to work and they want to be paid.

If you are a boss who doesn’t pay your employees on time, you have no business complaining about why they are not working optimally. Why would you expect someone to work for two or more months without a salary?

Your employees are human too. They have financial needs just like you. They have kids who should be in school. They have medical expenses. They have to pay rent. How do you expect them to succeed if you cannot pay them on time?

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Your employees’ loyalty and commitment are as good as you pay them. If you don’t pay them, they will just hang in there, hoping to collect whatever you owe them.

If you cannot sustain employees, why keep them? Why do you keep on adding others? Why not just work with a small team that you can afford? Why have people’s kids work for you for free?

No business makes no money. If your business is not making money, and it is always running for years as you pay your bills, how can you convince your employees that the business is not making money?

You need good employees, pay them. Stop being greedy. Nobody should work for free. Having people work without pay is slavery and inhumane, to say the least.

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