Jambojet To Amplify Its Position On Sustainability

by Business Watch Team

Jambojet hopes to build on the progress made on initiatives from the 2023 Sustainability Flight Challenge, now known as The Aviation Challenge, by showcasing a series of flights in October.

The Aviation Challenge, an initiative by the SkyTeam alliance, is a friendly competition among airlines, designed to challenge the aviation industry by stimulating and accelerating innovation and change across their operations.

Last year, Jambojet recorded a Co2 reduction score of 9.6% on a single return flight, after implementing various initiatives such as a single-engine taxi, reduced takeoff power, and continuous descent approach.

“In the environment pillar, we aim to reduce our operational footprint by 30% by 2030, with a focus on operational efficiencies, fuel management, waste, and scope 3 emissions reduction,” said Jambojet CEO and Managing Director Karanja Ndegwa.

“Partnerships are a key enabler to Jambojet achieving its sustainability goals, and The Aviation Challenge offers a great opportunity to learn from other global airlines and progress our local partnerships,” Mr. Ndegwa added.

Aside from flight operations, Jambojet took on customer engagement activities in partnership with Basi Go, to provide group electric transport to the airport and NAS Servair, develop an organic menu, and conduct testing with customers.

Twenty-four airlines will participate in this year’s Aviation Challenge, implementing various solutions across inflight, ground, and cargo operations, which will be evaluated across 18 categories.

Jambojet will participate through conducting 3 showcase flights; Nairobi – Goma on 9th October, Mombasa – Eldoret – Kisumu on 18th October, and Nairobi – Lamu on 24th October. Guests on these flights will be treated to various initiatives aimed to showcase the level of adoption of sustainable practices across flight operations, catering, and inflight products.

Related Content: Jambojet Introduces A 35-Minute Flight Between Mombasa And Zanzibar

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