How To Safeguard Your Health And That Of Your Loved Ones

by Business Watch Team

Let us face it, healthcare in Kenya is very expensive. In fact, the majority of Kenyans are just one hospital bill away from plunging into massive poverty of no return. The vulnerable in Kenya are unable to access quality and affordable healthcare.

At the same time, getting a good medical insurance policy for yourself and that of your loved ones is not a walk in the park. Despite the fact that there are many providers of health insurance in Kenya, finding a provider who is genuine and passionate needs more than what appears on the surface.

There are three major things that you should consider before shopping for a health insurance policy:

The service provider: When it comes to insurance service providers, trust is the invisible currency. Go for the service provider that you and others trust. Read the reviews on what other people are talking about them and make a decision.

The premiums: Despite the fact that health is very important, you do not have to break your bank account to pay for it. Look for a service provider who has premiums that are affordable and ones that will not strain you in terms of finances.

Beneficiaries: Look for a policy that will be friendly to and your loved ones. Go for one that gives incentives too when you bring more of your dependants on board.

Service providers such as Zamara Group have one of the best policies in the market called Zamara Afya Policy.

The Zamara Afya Policy is an affordable insurance policy designed to ensure that you, your family members, and dependents get prompt access to the healthcare and expertise that’s right for you when you need it.

The Zamara Afya Policy comes with, a customized health plan, waived waiting periods, competitive cost, a broad panel of service providers, waived co-pay, and Pre-entry medical examination.

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