How Stima Sacco Is Taking Sacco Services To People’s Doorsteps

by Business Watch Team
Stima Sacco

Stima Sacco is one of Kenya’s finest, reliable, stable Saccos. Forget about the others that have turned into pyramid schemes just swindling people of their hard-earned money. Stima Sacco has been tested for over 50 years, giving members nothing but the best.

Stima Sacco has over 200,000 members who save and invest through it. All the more than 200,000 members get loans, earn dividends from their shares annually, and use the Sacco as a stepping stone to creating wealth and catapulting themselves out of abject poverty.

“We thrive on trust. This is the invisible currency that has kept us going. Because of trust, we have been going strong for 50 years and still counting. We have a strong asset base, among the strongest in Africa and the region. But do we say?” said Dr. Gamaliel Hassan, the CEO of Stima Sacco.

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With initiatives such as Stima Mlangoni, Stima Sacco has successfully managed to bring the Sacco services closer to the people. Stima Mlangoni are the agents of Stima Sacco who interact with the common person on a day-to-day basis by providing other services.

For instance, on August 23, Stima Sacco unveiled their new Stima Mlangoni agent in Kawangware (Nairobi). Her name is Fridah and she runs the Fridah Beauty Shop at Mlango Soko along Naivasha Road. Those in Kawangware can get Stima Sacco services here.

What does Stima Mlangoni mean?

Stima Mlangoni means services closer to your doorstep. It means Stima Sacco has managed to successfully devolve its services so that people can access them from their locality. From their Mama Mboga and from their Mama Duka downstairs.

Stima Mlangoni means financial inclusion. For over 10 years, Kenya has been the giant of financial inclusion in the world. With Stima Mlangoni, this dream of financial inclusion is cemented and taken to the next level.

Stima Mlangoni means that Kenyans will be empowered to save and invest. They will buy shares using their savings, earn dividends annually and grow their wealth.

Related Content: 50 Years Through The Binoculars Of Stima Sacco

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