Del Monte Moves The Mountain Through Education

by Business Watch Team
Del Monte

Around the world, Del Monte is renowned as a leading producer, marketer, and distributor of premium fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Its name is known far and wide, within and outside of the retail and agricultural sectors.

In Kenya, Del Monte’s name is synonymous with delicious fruits and juices, but its legacy extends far beyond its products. In the communities around Thika and Murang’a, Del Monte Kenya is celebrated for its significant contributions to education. The company believes in empowering the surrounding communities through education.

One of Del Monte’s key sustainability pillars is fostering growth within its supplier and community networks. In 2023, Del Monte Kenya’s education initiatives reached nearly 1,700 students across 13 schools, thanks to a social investment of 3.2 million shillings. This effort highlights the company’s commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for both its employees’ children and those from surrounding areas.

The company also helped establish three other primary schools, and eight nursery schools, and in 2010, they opened Del Monte Mixed Secondary School on one of their farms. Over the past decade, these educational institutions have collectively benefited more than 12,000 students.

Del Monte Mixed Secondary School holds the distinction of being the first community school in Mitubiri Ward, Murang’a County. The company supports the school extensively, providing free piped water, and firewood for cooking, office furnishings, road maintenance, and covering electricity bills.

“Due to the support from Del Monte, last year we produced one of the best KCSE students in the area, Bernard Okinyi, who scored a B+. The school is the best in the zone in terms of university placement where we have five students,” said the Principal of Del Monte Secondary School, Maina Gitu.

Additionally, Del Monte Kenya houses teaching and non-teaching staff and has donated a home for six orphaned boys. Emergency medical services are also available to students, with transfers to nearby hospitals when necessary.

The ongoing interaction between the school and Del Monte Kenya staff serves as an inspiration for students, offering career guidance that motivates many to pursue agronomy and mechanical engineering, aiming to work within the company’s operations.

“The only way to empower a community is through education. As a company, we have strong roots in supporting education initiatives within our locality. For years, we have invested in education and making sure that the surrounding communities get what is the best for their future,” said Del Monte Kenya in a statement.

Del Monte Secondary School is open not only to employees’ children but also to those from nearby communities such as Umoja, Gichagi, and Kilimambogo. Beyond this, Del Monte Kenya supports other primary schools in the area by constructing classrooms and sports facilities like basketball courts and volleyball fields.

Del Monte Kenya’s holistic approach to education support reflects its commitment to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, aligning with key sustainable development goals (SDGs). By addressing various needs within the educational ecosystem— from providing wood fuel for hot meals to maintaining accessible roads— Del Monte Kenya fosters a nurturing learning environment and overall well-being. This integrated support system not only enhances educational outcomes but also promotes sustainable practices and social equity, contributing to a brighter future for all involved.

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