The XBoom Love That Flows Within And Without The Homestead

by Business Watch Team
LG XBoom Go

The month of love is still on. It did not end on the 14th. This is the month to appreciate the one you love in different ways. Wine and a bunch of flowers are one of the common ways of showing love to anyone this month.

But have you ever expressed your love through a song? If not, then you are missing out big time. There is power in music. Music is the only thing that hits people, and instead of them feeling the pain, they vibrate with emotions depending on the occasion.

During this month of love, there is no need to take to social media to tell the whole world how you feel about someone. Forget about for it will only create avenues for you to be trolled.

Expressing how you feel about someone’s needs when you are alone, two of you, and there is no better way to do it than with some soft music in the background.

Now, there is what we call an XBoom Love, this is the latest kind of “love declaration” that only a few people know about. You are lucky if you are reading this. This is the kind of love where you are your loved one is seated, facing each other, with your head close but not touching each other, you lips close enough but not touching each other, with her breath and yours intertwined while some soft music from a small speaker or a series of them playing not far away from the two of you are sitting.

The music for your XBoom Love has to be equipped with Meridian’s advanced audio technology and must come from an XBOOM Go PL speaker that delivers high-quality sound with a deep base, rich treble, and clear vocals.

For a wide sound stage so that you and your loved one can be totally lost in it, the XBoom Go PL comes with excellent detail across the higher frequencies. With the Dual Action Bass feature (PL7, PL5), the speakers pump out dynamic bass that users can feel as well as hear.

Happy love month.

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