Turning A Business Idea Into Reality

by Business Watch Team

Someone once said that a good idea can always survive anywhere at any time provided the bearer of the idea is focused to see it materialize.

An idea is like a dream. An idea remains an idea unless it is meant to grow to maturity. Take an example of a seed. A single seed can be of no benefit to one who is keeping it. But when the seed is planted, tended to until it germinates, given everything it needs until it bears fruits, it will have more meaning to the one keeping it.

Many people have had good business ideas but they never see them materialize because they just don’t know how to make them materialize. What do you do when a business idea comes to you?

First, write it down. This will help you remember in case your brain becomes preoccupied with other matters.

Second, go over it and see if it is realistic. Ask yourself if that business idea is valid and significant to the prevailing situation. For instance, what are you intending to achieve? Why do you want that idea to materialize?

Third, look at the financial implications. Every business idea needs money to grow. How much do you need to make that idea materialize? What problem are you looking at solving?

Fourthly, share with someone you trust, preferably your mentor. Ask them what they think and let them give their opinion of what they think of your idea.

Your idea may sound “crazy” and some people may discourage you. That should not let you forget about your “crazy” ideas. Remember, those who think they are crazy enough to want to change the world are actually the ones who do it.

What do you need to nurture your business idea into maturity?

First, you need the right team. Not everyone is good in business and not everyone will guide you in matters of business. Seek guidance from people you know will help you. Remember, failures will only tell you how not to do something. It is therefore good to learn from those who have failed but in terms of seeking guidance, seek from those who have succeeded in the field that you intend to pursue.

Second, look at the market. Does your idea already exist on the market? Did someone have a similar idea that materialized and now people are buying into it? If yes, find out how they did it, the competition they are facing and whether you will be able to shape it too.

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