APA Insurance Supports Children With Cerebral Palsy

by Business Watch Team
APA Insurance

Dr. Dipankar Acharya, CEO of APA Insurance presented a cheque to Carolyne Nekesa, Head of Marketing, Minet and Edwin Kegode, General Manager, Managed Medical Care, Minet in support of The Minet Fun Run – A Mile for Good.

This charitable event aims to raise funds for occupational therapy services for children living with cerebral palsy. The proceeds will be directed towards the Cerebral Palsy Society of Kenya (CPSK), which is dedicated to improving the lives of children affected by cerebral palsy. Occupational therapy plays a crucial role in helping these children enhance their motor skills, independence, and overall quality of life.

Cerebral Palsy affects the development of a person’s ability to control his or her muscles, movement, and body posture and can range from a weakness in one hand to an almost complete lack of voluntary movement.

Additionally, Persons with Cerebral Palsy often suffer from other related conditions such as spinal problems, intellectual disability, and seizures. Other conditions include hearing, visual, and speech impairments.

The condition additionally has other adverse effects.

The challenges associated with caring for individuals with Cerebral Palsy, particularly children, can place a significant strain on families. Studies have shown that in 70% of cases, the burden of this care leads to the dissolution of marriages, often with fathers leaving their families. This can leave mothers to shoulder the primary responsibility for their child’s well-being

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recent population-based studies from around the world report prevalence estimates of cerebral palsy ranging from one to nearly four per 1,000 live births or per 1,000 children.

In some parts of the world, however, there is evidence that the prevalence of Cerebral Palsy has declined, particularly for children born at moderately or very low birth weight.

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