3 Things To Do If Someone Is Electrocuted In The Shower

by Business Watch Team

Cases of people being electrocuted while taking a shower in Kenya have been on the increase. In a period of one month, at least four cases have been reported.

All investigations have indicated that the electrification was a result of poorly installed water heaters and showers. It also emerged that many Kenyans are buying and installing substandard water heaters and showers.

If someone is electrocuted while taking a shower, do the following:

First, turn off the source of power before touching the person. This is because the current might still be flowing through the person, putting you in danger of being electrocuted too.

Second, turn off the water as soon as possible. Remember, current flows through water, and is always at its strongest. If the shower is the default, chances are the current might still be flowing through the water.

Third, conduct CPR if the person is not showing any signs of movement. This might help bring someone back to life by restarting their heart.

Fourth, call for help. If possible, call for an ambulance as soon as possible, and give the exact locations. You can also contact the police. Try anything possible that can save a life.

How can you reduce your chances of being electrocuted?

Stop going under the shower barefoot. Going there barefooted makes you an “earth” in the event of an electrocution. Put on those slippers as you go to take a shower.

Buy genuine parts. Do not buy showers that will have you killed. But from genuine sellers such as supermarkets. Avoid buying showers online.

Have experts install to install your showers. Do not just pick quacks to install something that has the potential of killing you.

Lastly, check for any loose or hanging wires on your shower before turning it on. If there are any hanging wires, do not attempt to use them.

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